Hypothyroidism is the medical term for a sluggish or under active thyroid. It may be linked to:
Subclinical hypothyroidism may present itself with mild versions of these hypothyroid symptoms, or often just fatigue or low mood. Hypothyroidism often occurs along with other health issues like insulin resistance, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue (due to impaired adrenal function) and these conditions share some very similar symptoms.
In some cases, hypothyroidism can lead to goitre, (an enlargement of the thyroid). In hypothyroidism the gland enlarges to try to compensate for its sluggish production.
In the most extreme cases, such as Hashimoto’s disease (an autoimmune disease), the body forms antibodies that attack its own thyroid gland, creating permanently low thyroid function.
It’s important to note that without treatment or relief of the underlying causes of hypothyroidism, the symptoms may worsen over time, and may result in permanent damage.
The world of thyroid health can be very complex, confusing and a bit daunting and that is where our naturopath Trish at Burnett House Natural Therapies may be able to help you.
There is a great deal that can be done to help with your symptoms by addressing your nutrition, digestion, immune function, heavy metal or chemical toxicity, stress levels and other contributing health issues.
Nutritional and herbal medicine may offer help in addressing the underlying causes of your thyroid health problems, in addition to potentially providing symptomatic relief.